We are currently developing a customized version of our Kipware® CNC XChange - G Code Conversion Software for a client that will convert G&L Numeripath 8000 G code to Fanuc 31i G Code.
This project has given us a real opportunity to prove our metal ... and some of the conversions we have created are truly amazing !!!
The G&L control is fairly old ...
BUT WOW WAS IT POWERFUL !!! It had features in it's programming language that were extremely complex and allowed the programmer access to a language that ... the only way I can describe it ... is as close to a BASIC type language that I have ever found in a CNC control. The ability to JUMP around in the G code ... the ability to use a very complex MACRO type language ... the ability to call and use external files ... and so many other features ... made this control the most powerful CNC control I have ever encountered.
The Fanuc control cannot even come close to matching it's power and features ... even using the Fanuc MACRO B option.
Converting the powerful and complex G code from this G&L to Fanuc code has made for an EXCITING and CHALLENGING project ... and what we have been able to create is truly amazing. Allowing Kentech Inc. to prove once again ... we are the PIONEER and LEADER in G code conversion software.
Without going into a great deal of detail ... I have listed below some of the conversions we have accomplished. Keep in mind that these conversion are performed automatically by CNC XChange ... in a matter of seconds. The user simply browses for the file to convert ... presses the convert button ... and the resulting conversion is done all automatically.
Why are we posting this ... just to give you an idea of what we are capable of in the realm of G code conversion. If your shop floor suffers from the "CONTROL INCOMPATIBILITY" issue ... we invite you to let the PIONEERS and LEADERS at Kentech Inc. free you from control incompatibility !!
Keep in mind that the below is all done
Original G&L Code :
The code below can appear anywhere in the G&L code ... and DEFINES a sub program. The first line code DFS defines the NAME ... and the user programs a CLS,NAME in the program to jump to this sub program.
N01180 (DFS,LSMILL1, (LET, P200=PPW)
N01190 G01 X-6.00 Y0
N01200 G03 X6.00 Y0 I0 J0
N01210 G00 W=PPW+1.0,
N01220 G00 X=-[14.00 +.50 + 4.0],
N01230 G01 W=P200,
N01240 G01 X-10.37
N01250 G03 X10.37 Y0 I0 J0
N01260 G01 Y7.25
N01270 G00 W=PPW+1.0,)
N01280 !
G&L Jump Line in the program :
N04300 (CLS,LSMILL1)
Converted Fanuc Code :
Fanuc controls do not have the same capability ... so we devised a conversion that leaves the same basic structure in place ... that's what the operators are used to ... and use the GOTO statement to work around it.
N01179GOTO 01280 ---- This line jumps over the sub definition during regular program execution
N01181#200=#5204 ------- We are also converting G/L to Fanuc macro !!
N01271GOTO #500 ----- Return line ... jump to the next sequence number after the sub call
N01280( )
Fanuc JUMP to Line in the Program :
N04299 #500 = 04301 ---- This sets the variable #500 to the N number for the return from the jump
N04301 ()
Keep in mind that we had to ADD and SEARCH and RESEQUENCE the N numbers ... along with providing the correct N numbers for the GOTO and M99 lines. Pretty complex !!
Original G&L Code :
The code below can appear anywhere in the G&L code ... and basically uses an IF statement to execute some G code commands. This client uses the same program on two different machines ( MACH desginated as 455 and 450 ). These lines look at a variable to see which machine is in use and executes the appropriate G code based on that.
N04200 (IFS, MACH EQ 455) G00 W30
N04210 (IFS, MACH EQ 450) G00 M63000 W-20
Converted Fanuc Code :
Fanuc controls do not have the same capability ... so we devised a conversion that leaves that uses a Fanuc based IF statement and the GOTO commands to either jump to the line defined by the macro variable or skip over it if the IF is false. Again ... a lot of REFORMATTING along with ADDING and SEARCHING and RESEQUENCING the N numbers.
N04200IF[ #9998 EQ 455]GOTO 04202
N04201GOTO 04203
N04210IF[ #9998 EQ 450]GOTO 04212
N04211GOTO 04213
Again ... Why are we posting this? Just to give you an idea of what we are capable of in the realm of G code conversion. If your shop floor suffers from the "CONTROL INCOMPATIBILITY" issue ... we invite you to let the PIONEERS and LEADERS at Kentech Inc. free you from control incompatibility !!
Kenney Skonieczny - President
Kentech Inc.