We are happy to announce the release of our new and enhanced version of KipwareTP® - G Code Editor and Toolpath Plotting application.
For 90 to 95% of CNC programming done everyday in the real world, programmers and operators are looking for a simple tool that will produce a simple plot to confirm their G code program. Instead most other software companies have developed in depth complicated tool animation applications that take an 8 hour day just to set up for a plot. KipwareTP® is a simple toolpath plotting software package that will enable users to quickly, accurately and efficiently view the toolpath of their CNC programs.
Kentech Inc. originally developed KipwareTP® as a companion application to our Kipware® Conversational Programming Applications. We have recently completely re-designed it to include many new useful features creating a stand alone product which remains simple and easy to use. KipwareTP® can be used with any "Fanuc compatible" G code programs including Haas and Okuma and of course all models of Fanuc controls.
KipwareTP® was designed and created like all our machine shop software - from the shop floor up. Using our unique mix of metalcutting, CNC, machine shop and computer programming experience we developed a fast, efficient and accurate utility for shops to test and edit their CNC programs before they hit the shop floor - saving time and money.
We invite you to explore all the features of KipwareTP® at our website ... http://www.kentechinc.com/KipwareTP.shtml ... but here are a few feature outlines to stir your interest :
- Plots Milling...Turning...Wire EDM...Water Jet/Plasma G Code Programs...All in one Application.
- Quick and easy ZOOM, PAN, ZERO SET and DISPLAY CLEAR functions make for fast and simple plotting.
- Ability to edit the plotting program on the fly or in the full Text Editor.
- User is able to view current conditions and positions as the plot progresses.
- Uses handy machine like functions for plotting like: Single Block, Optional Stop, Block Delete, Selectable Plotting Speed, Selectable Tool Display.
- Has many user-configurable parameters including: Radius X/DiameterX, ABS/INC Arc Centers, Colors and more.
- User can plot their G Codes against a back drop of user configured stock models includes Square/Rectangle and Round and even DXF files.
- Includes a full featured and rich functioning G code specific Text Editor.
- Users can edit their G Codes using standard editing functions as well as CNC code specific functions like: Search and Replace, Search and Remove Sequence Numbers, Auto-invert X and Z coordinates, Auto-invert G02/G03 Codes, OVERRIDE OPTION allowing adding or subtracting defined percentage to entire program,Open, Save or Print Program and many other functions.
From all of us at Kentech Inc. ... Best Wishes to all for a Happy ... Healthy ... and Prosperous 2012 !!