Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Titles to be Released

I am pleased to outline some of our new releases in this post for my blog. These new titles are in final testing and should be released during the summer '09 months.

We are very excited to be adding these two new titles which were developed to help add even more "real world" options to your shop floor and your personnel. Please return to the blog and to in the near future for additional release information.

(1) NEW KipwareT® Y Axis Version
We are expanding the current C axis ( indexing type ) live tool option of our KipwareT® by adding Y AXIS PROGRAMMING OPTIONS to the software. These new Y axis options will include milling capabilities utilizing the Y axis on both the OD and the FACE. Below is a screenshot of the new KipwareT® front page and those newly available Y axis options.

KipwareT® Y Axis Option is scheduled for release in late summer '09.

(2) NEW KipwarePA® ( Kipware Programming Assistant ) Title Release
We have developed a new programming package for both milling and turning titled KipwarePA®. KipwarePA® is designed to be a point-and-click program creation package where the user uses a mixture of item selection and inputs to tell the software what lines of G code to create. The user can make selections for the type of move or operation ( drill, turning canned cycle, etc. ) using menu options ... then enters the coordinates or definitions ... and KipwarePA® will automatically create the correct line of code.

KipwarePA® is a fast and easy program creation package for both the novice as well as the experienced G code programmer. With KipwarePA®'s auto functions, the user need not be proficient in G code programming as the software prompts and auto-completes operations then automatically creates the correct G code line of code. For the experienced programmer, KipwarePA® is much fast than typing and eliminates errors through it's auto-creation capabilities. Another feature is that users can customize the one-button inputs. For example, the user could create a button and label it anything, for example, PARTS CATCHER UP, and when that button is pressed, the user defined code is automatically inserted into the program being created.

In addition to code creation, users can view the toolpath at any point while the program is being created by using the plotting feature.Once all the inputs are created, the program is then displayed in our Kipware® Text Editor for review and final plotting.

Below is an initial screenshot illustrating the basic design for KipwarePA® ... this is initial view and the final release, though incorporating some of the features shown, will have many more enhancements and options.

KipwarePA® is scheduled for release in late summer '09.

Again, please return to the blog and to in the near future for additional release information.

Thanks to all for your interest and your support.

Kenney Skonieczny