Thursday, April 19, 2007

New KipwareQTE® PC Based Video Training Series

Since their release, customers have told us that our new KipwareM® and KipwareT® PC based training video series have been a tremendous help in getting them up and running with their software in short order. In addition, the tips and tricks contained in the series have given existing customers new ideas on how to best utilize the Kipware® conversational approach to CNC programming.

In our continuing efforts to improve and assist our customers with getting the most out of their software, we have released a new PC based video training series for KipwareQTE®. These videos illustrate the use of all aspects of the software for the Database Manager and CycleTime Estimating as well as Cost Estimating modules. The use of each of these modules of KipwareQTE® is illustrated in detail with sample CycleTime and Cost estimates being prepared in the videos.

Users can download the KipwareQTE® PC based video trainer using the link below :

Save the file kqtetrainerINSTALL.exe to your PC in a folder where you can recover it once the download is complete. Once completed, use the START --> RUN option from the Windows taskbar to run the file and all components of the trainer software will be installed.

As always, any questions or concerns, contact us at Sales or

Thanks again for your inerest in Kentech Inc. and our software products.
Kenney Skonieczny